telephone number
The Telecommunications ( Universal Service Levy) ( No. 2)) Order, 2011
telephone number 3. period of return: total value of specified products and services supplied during the period: . 4 5. total tax due on specified products and services supplied during the period: . < ~ 6. total paid on specified products and services
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2)Order,2011
telephone number: 1 i 6. email address: 7. business address: (street no. and ni [ g.number of persons employed during return/calendar year: me, postal zone, parish) (include persons who at 10. if business closed down during the return/ calend
The Assets Tax (Specified Bodies) (Amendment) Order, 2013
telephone number(s) ° ? we society local | new address 7. fax number(s) other specified body overseas revised return section b: determination of taxable asset value estate ioerbt ibn msi sma sue soionsinn saris sasson bne srt " equipment, furniture, machi
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment) Regulations, 2014
telephone number (apt. no., street no. & name, postal zone, parish) 5. tick appropriate box: [j new address [j revised retum section b: supplies (goods & services) total supplies made during peried. ~~... . .................. no iee ee ra 8 exempt supplie
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Licences on Trades and Business) Order, 2015
telephone numbers sigriaturg__ tt pats? ~~ tt? er for official use only ri of : [ [[] tssuo tel, no site vist. [j site vist then 1ssue tel. [j tasue tbl then ste vist. remarks: name: signatura ete
The Casino Gaming Act
telephone number fax number the principal business address of the business entity street location(number/street) locality state/province postal code country telephone number fax number mailing address (if different) locality state/province postal code
The Timeshare Vacations Act
telephone number: fax number: emails lease note the, following: 1, this applicatioh form must be submitted with an official document issued by the timeshare registrar, consenting to the] fe-registration of the timeshare plan. this