The Nature Resources Conservation (Wastewater and Sludge) Regulations, 2013
temperature total coliform total dissolved solids (ids) total suspended solids (tss) (maximum monthly average) total suspended - | solids(tss) maximum daily average ammonia/ammonium measured as nh, : barium beryllium boron
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) (JS CODEX STAN 313R: Jamaican Standard Specification for Tempe) Notice, 2019
tempe) notice, 2019 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7 of the standards act, the following notice is hereby given:? 1. this notice may be cited as the standards (declaration of standard specification) (js codex
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) (JS CODEX STAN 299: 2019 Jamaican Standard Specification for Apples) Notice, 2019
tempe) notice, 2019 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7 of the standards act, the following notice is hereby given:? 1. this notice may be cited as the standards (declaration of standard specification) (js codex
The Petroleum Oil Fuel (Landing and Storage) Act
temperature testing) order, 1970 regulations (under section 18) the oil fuel (landing and storage) regulations, 1941 ln. 14/41 32/41 rules (under section 18) the petroleum (landing and storage) rules, 1941 ln 14/41 [the inclusion of this page is a