the circuit court
The Judicature (Circuit Court) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2000
the circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term | easter term | michaelmas term kingston . (home circuit) january 8 april 18 septem
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2001
the circuit court of kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates for commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingston janu
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for Holding Thereof) Order, 2002
the circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates-of commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingston
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2003
the circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts | hizary term easter term | michaelmas term | kingst (home circuit january 7 april 14 september 1
The Gun Court (Appointment Of Place Of Sitting) Order,2003.
the circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingston january 7 april 14 september 16 (home circu
The Gun Court (Appointment of Place of Sitting) Order, 2004
the circuit court of kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts hu.ary term easter term | michaelmas term kingston (ho
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
the circuit court kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingst
The Judicature ( Circuit Courts) ( Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) Order, 2005
the circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates for commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term |michaelmas ter
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2007
the circuit court kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts t emichaelmas term courts hit ary term | easter term king
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order, 2008
the circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts?2008 courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingston january 7 march 26 september 16 (h
The Criminal Justice( Plea Negotiation and Agreements ) Regulations, 2010
the circuit court for the parish of (name of parish) holden at or in the resident magistrates court for the parish of (name of parish) holden at rov (name of accused) the day of . 20 upon the application of ~?? ? coming on this (name of accused) the
The Criminal Justice( Plea Negotiation and Agreements ) Regulations, 2010
the circuit court for the parish of (name of parish) holden at or in the resident magistrate's court for the parish of (name of parish) holden at r. v (name of accused) the day of , 20 upon the application of ?-?o - coming on this (name of accused) t