the comm
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre) Order, 2013
the committee shall meet once every year immediately prior to the annual meeting of the board and shall submit an annual report on its activities to the board. 5. the centre shall defray the expenses incurred by members to attend meetings of the committe
Licence - The Commonwealth Foundation Canada Jamaica Limited
the commonwealth foundation canada jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 18th day of october, 2013, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the
The Legal Profession (Continuing Legal Professional Development) (Amendment) Regulations, 2014
the committee if the committee in its discretion determines that in all the circumstances it is reasonable to do so.?; (b) in paragraph (7) by inserting next after the word ?presentation? the words ?for the presenter?. 10. regulation 11 of the principal
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No.3) Order, 2015
the commissioner general may, without prejudice to any other forms of recovery, recover any tax credits claimed by the registered taxpayer from any security that the registered taxpayer may have been required to deposit with the commissioner general pursu
Legal Profession (Continuing Legal Professional Development) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018
the committee gives written notice in accordance with sub- regulation (9). (8) if an application for renewal is not received by the committee at least forty-five days before the end of the accreditation period, the provider's accredited provider status w
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Browns Town now known as part of Mendez in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, No. 0580/2020
the comm. of londs 20 north street kingston 1 i> eziekel reid point hill p.o. theodolite survey 2001 4 2.705 angello clarke e=740581.186 point hill p.o. 5 | n=658750.220 e=740579.425 . ! == : i 1 1 1 1
The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and Other Health Professions) Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
the community under article 231 of the revised treaty of chaguaramas signed at nassau, the bahamas, on 5 july, 2001; ?authority? means the authority established by article 2; ?award? means a degree, diploma, certificate or other evidence that prescribed
The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and Other Health Professions) Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
the community to be determined by the contracting parties. article 3 objectives of the authority the authority shall have the following objectives? (a) the achievement and maintenance of standards of excellence in programmes of study in medicine and ot
The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and Other Health Professions) Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
the community. article 19 provisional application this agreement may be provisionally applied on signature by not less than four member states of the community. article 20 depo. sitary this agreement shall be deposited with the secretary- -general (her
The Caribbean Community (Establishment, Services, Capital and Movement of Community Nationals) act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
the community so named in article 18(2) of the treaty; ?community? means the caribbean community including the caricom single market economy established by the treaty; ?community council of ministers? or ?the community council? means the organ of the co
The Caribbean Community (Establishment, Services, Capital and Movement of Community Nationals) act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
the community so named in article ~ 10(2)(b) of the treaty; . ?economic enterprise? includes any type ?of organization for the production of, or the trade in, goods or the provision of services (other than a non-profit organization) owned or controlled b
The Child Diversion Act 2018 - Children
the committee, other than the chairperson, may at any time resign his office by insument in writing addressed to the minister and transmimed through the chairperson, and from the date of receipt by the minister of such instrument, such member shall cease
The Jamaica Racing Commission Act - Companies and Associations
the commission may, where it considers it expedient s0 to do, hold or cause to be held an investigation? (a) to determine whether any licence granted under part iii should be suspended or revoked, (h) in respect of the breach of any of the regulations or
The Kingston Improvements Act - Local Government
the commissioners in reply, to the minister for consideration and approval, and they shall make or cause to be made in such plans, specifications and estimates, such modifications and alterations as the minister may at any time direct, and shall submit su