the director of court administration
9 of 2016 - The Judicature (Supreme Court) (Amendment) Act
the director of court administration shall? (a) bethechiefexecutive officer of the court administration division established under this act (in this act referred to as ?the division?) and shall be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the work an
9 of 2016 - The Judicature (Supreme Court) (Amendment) Act
the director of court administration or where the office is vacant. (4) subject to subsection (5), the director of court administration shall be the officer responsible for attending proceedings before any committee of parliament, as may be required, and
9 of 2016 - The Judicature (Supreme Court) (Amendment) Act
the director of court administration shall cause to be prepared and submitted to the chief justice for approval, an annual report on the operations of the court administration division, in such form as may be required under the financial administration an