the finance committee
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
the finance committee, is not furnished within a reasonable period specified by the finance committee by notice in writing to that person setting out the conduct alleged for which the explanation is required, the finance committee may surcharge against th
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
the finance committee so directs, be recovered by monthly deductions from the salary of the officer surcharged, in such amounts as the finance committee shall specify but in any event not exceeding one-sixth of the amount payable monthly in respect of sal
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
the finance committee of that local authority, containing the findings of that officer and such recommendations as the officer considers necessary. (4) for the purposes of this section, internal audit functions may be conducted on the basis of shared ser
The Parochial Rates and Finance Act
the finance committee and on a form approved by the council. (2) each chief officer shall maintain proper records of all stores and supplies received and issued out in his department. (3) the accounts shall be kept in such form as may be required by the
The Parochial Rates and Finance Act
the finance committee (who may amend the schedule). (3) tenders for the supply of goods required for the ensuing financial year shall be invited in the month of january by advertise- ment in the public press. (4) the secretary, may from time to time, is