the financial secretary
The Financial management Regulation, 2011
the financial secretary, electronic payments may be done by departments from designated bank accounts. (3) electronic transfers shall not be done unless the requisite funds are available in the relevant official bank account. (4) officers effecting elec
The Financial management Regulation, 2011
the financial secretary. (2) the financial secretary shall give written instructions on the general use and operation of official credit cards. | (3) expenses from official credit cards shall be kept at a minimum® ~~ _ (4) instances of extravagance or
The Financial management Regulation, 2011
the financial secretary, keep a complete inventory of all government assets (including assets acquired by way of a gift) under the control of that accounting and accountable officer. 122. the financial secretary may issue instructions on the form and man
The Delegation of Functions ( Public Service) (Specified Ministry) Order, 2016
the financial secretary, retirement on the and the public service and all officers except following the financial secretary grounds? (a inthe public interest; (b) onmedical ( © grounds; and premature retirement. 3. disciplinary control. given under