the national insurance
The Law Revision Act
the national insurance 1974 (amendment) act, 1974. | section 6. act 47 of | the public health act, 1974. | subsections (2) and (3) of 1974 section 30. act56 of | the industrial incentives 1974 (regional harmoniza- tion) act, 1974. sections'1,
The Law Revision Act
the national insurance {validation and amend- ment) act, 1993 section 3. section 32. section 7. section 4(3). in section 1 the comma and words ?, and shall come into operation on the 1st day of march, 1993". in section 1 the comma and words ?, an
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
the national insurance (validation, indemnification and amendment) act, 2021 and whereas the benefits specified under section 9 of the act are payable to insured persons at the rate set out in the third schedule to the act: and whereas by cabinet decis
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
the national insurance (validation, indemnification description of benefit (b)where the degree of disable- ment is as- sessed as between 94% and 10% (a percent- age which is not a multiple of 10 shall be treated? (0) ifitis a mul- tiple of 5 as being
9_2011- The National Insurance (Validation and Amendment) Act
the national insurance (validation and amendment) act, 2011 expansion of the category of special pensioners under the national insurance scheme with effect from the 1st day of april, 2008, to cover persons born before the ist day of january, 1908: and w
9_2011- The National Insurance (Validation and Amendment) Act
the national insurance (validation and [no. ] amendment) act, 201] (2) no person shall be liable to be proceeded against? (@) for an offence under section 44 of the principal act or regulation 37 of the national insurance (collection of contributions) r