thirtieth day of november, 1887
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
thirtieth day of november, 1887, within twelve months of such date, and as to transcripts that shall thereafter be made, within three months after the completion of any such transcript. 22. every transcript of any register book or part thereof made after
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
thirtieth day of november, 1887, the deputy keeper of the records shall not certify under his hand, or seal with the seal of the record office, any copy of any record in the record office which is not a valid authentic and effectual record according to la
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
thirtieth day of november, 1887, have been filled up, the said deputy keeper of the records shall carefully examine every record contained in the said book, and shall see that each such record has been properly certified as aforesaid, and shall, within th
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
thirtieth day of november, 1887) either by the copyist or by a clerk or officer in the record office (or in the case of transcripts made on or after the thirtieth day of november, 1887), either by myself or by an officer specially appointed by me for that