thirty cents
The Justices of the Peace (Appeals) Act - Courts and Judiciary
thirty cents for costs on such process against every or any surety in such recognizance. 42. payment by the appellant, or any surety, of the whole amount which the appellant is liable to pay, and of the costs aforesaid for issuing process on the recogniz
The Property (Rates and Taxes) (Relief) Act - Real Estate
thirty cents in lieu of all such rates as ges. | may be imposed upon the property by virtue of provisions specified in the schedule: schedule. provided that no payment? (a) shall be made under this subsection as payment of any rate in case of the prope
The National Water Commission Act
thirty cents for every one thousand gallons or part thereof of water supplied to any parish council. s. the commission shall cause all such water supplied to pass through a bulk-flow water meter and the amount of water supplied shall be determined by per