tobacco industry control authority
The Tobacco Industry Regulation Act
tobacco industry control authority which shall be a body ;corpora- corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal forof and with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, industry authority. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l
8 of 2021- The Tobacco Industry Regulation (Validation and Indemnity) (Repeal) Act
tobacco industry control authority including the divestment of assets, entering into contracts and the payment of redundancy to officers and servants, done in good faith and inadvertent as to the absence of statutory authority, by the tobacco industry con
8 of 2021- The Tobacco Industry Regulation (Validation and Indemnity) (Repeal) Act
tobacco industry control authority to be placed under the responsibility of the government divestment committee: and whereas by decision number 41/85 dated december 2, 1985, cabinet gave approval for, among other things, the redundancy of officers and se
8 of 2021- The Tobacco Industry Regulation (Validation and Indemnity) (Repeal) Act
tobacco industry control authority; (b) other persons acting in support of the tobacco industry control authority; and (c) the government divestment committee, in good faith and inadvertent as to their being without statutory authority, during the vali