tobacco industry regulation
8 of 2021- The Tobacco Industry Regulation (Validation and Indemnity) (Repeal) Act
tobacco industry regulation (validation and indemnity) (repeal) act, 2021; to indemnify persons against liability arising out of their carrying out of such acts; to repeal the tobacco industry regulation act; and for connected matters. whereas cabinet by
8 of 2021- The Tobacco Industry Regulation (Validation and Indemnity) (Repeal) Act
tobacco industry regulation (validation and indemnity) (repeal) act, 2021 (b) the negotiation and completion of the sale of the assets of the tobacco industry control authority to be placed under the responsibility of the government divestment committee
8 of 2021- The Tobacco Industry Regulation (Validation and Indemnity) (Repeal) Act
tobacco industry regulation (validation and [no. |] indemnity) (repeal) act, 2021 3.?(1) notwithstanding the provisions of the tobacco industry validation regulation act and any provision in any other enactment, all acts referred indemnity. to in subsect
8 of 2021- The Tobacco Industry Regulation (Validation and Indemnity) (Repeal) Act
tobacco industry regulation (validation and indemnity) (repeal) act 2021 repeal of 4. the tobacco industry regulation act is repealed. tobacco industry regulation act. passed in the honourable house of representatives this 13th day of april, 2021. jul