The Food and Drugs ( Amendment) Regulation, 2010
tomycin dirithromycin doxorubicin doxycycline erthromycin fleroxacin floxacillin framycetin francomycin fusidic acid gentamicin gramicidin grepafloxacin and its salts griseofulvin antihaemophilic factor apraclonidine apramycin aprotinin atenolol and its s
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Seven Corners, St. Elizabeth) Order, 2015
tomy, leag, wl ona, c, pansy hufchinson leeds pa l mi , cutord hutchinson leeds pa ! 3 poy : 4 " p e 1 em 5 vey dbt, c/o pouistte newmon : 7 9 6 5 3 sor allen leeds pa. 3 ion not leds pa. g checked . i q . - i ict of survets ? i bo a =o seven corners 0 5
The Anatomy ( Establishment of A School of Anatomy) ( Caribbean School of Medical Sciences, Jamaica ( CSMSJ)) Authorization, 2016
tomy: and whereas it is desirable that the caribbean school of medical sciences, jamaica (csmsi) be established as a school of anatomy: now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 3 of the anatomy act, the following a
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Corby In The Parish of St. Elizabeth) Order, 2017
tomy rowes plaza moke and no. of instrument. nikon dtm 310 #842809 junction p.o, st elizabeth, 607-8190 fb.no28 file name.cill drswa by: p-hendricks amended.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Corby In The Parish of St. Elizabeth) Order, 2017
tomy sapien make ond no. of instrument. | nikon dtm 310 #842809 junction p.0.st edlssbech. 607-3190 filo name .cill drawn by: p.hendricks amended f.b.no28
The National Health Services Act
tomy mediastinoscopy suture of esophageal injury insertion of single or dual chamber defibrillator (icd) ?pleural scatification thoracoscopy (vats) pleurodesis pneumonostomy: creation of pericardialwindow excision of pericardial cyst, tumour or mass
The National Health Services Act
tomy nocharge 139,000.00. 120,000.00 asper 120,000.00, {heller's operation) surgeon 31. wedge resection of 'nocharge .36:400.00 130,000.00 asper: 130,000.00 lung surgeon 32, partietal no charge 39,000.00 130,000.00 asper 130,000.00 pleurectomy surgeon
The National Health Services Act
tomy resection of lung mitral valve valvotomy?closed heart. insertion of graft of aorta or great? vessels excision of coarctation of the aorta atrial septectomy (blalock henlon operation)?&losed heart fourth schedule, contd. column ii column iii publ
The National Health Services Act
tomy, partial pulmonary embolectomy pulmonary valvotomy repair of atrial septal defect (asd) aortic valve valvuloplasty esophagectomy, total tricuspid valve replacement mitral valve valvuloplasty lung transplant closure of atrial septal defect (a
The National Health Services Act
tomy excision of turbinate biopsy of tissue of neck removal of foreign body excision of dermoid cyst biopsy of intranasal bronchoscopy typanostomy trachoe- bronchoscopy excision of lesion, minor adenoidectomy ?tonsillectomy alveolectomy suture ph
The National Health Services Act
tomy glossectomy, partial glossectomy, hemi laryngotomy tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy tympanoplasty excision of glomus tumour, transcanal excision of submandibular (submaxillary) gland labyrinthectomy pharyngectomy stapedectomy mastoidectomy, com
The National Health Services Act
tomy, no charge 57,460.00 160,000.00 as per 160,000.00 total surgeon 161. decompression of no charge 60,710.00 160,000.00 as per 160,000.00 internal auditory surgeon canal 162. excisionofglomus nocharge 74,620.00 185,000.00 as per 185,000.00 tomour, exten
The National Health Services Act
tomy of the maxilla arthroplasty of tempore- mandibular joint osteotomy of the mandible fourth schedule, cont'd. column ii column iii public patients public patients not covered by covered by health health insurance insurance surgeon?s other fee fees
The National Health Services Act
tomy:- biopsy of anorectal wall hook wire localization of breast exploration of scrotum orchiectomy ?pefmanent catheter, insertion tracheostomy excision of breast lump/ fibroadenoma/ cyst haemorrhoid- ectomy, simple porto catheter, insertion herni
The National Health Services Act
tomy, revision wound exploration haemorrhoid- ectomy, complete fasciotomy divérticulectomy mastectomy, subcutaneous gastrostomy tube placement: pyloroplasty omentectomy,. resection of omentum duodenotomy, exploration, biopsy or removal of foreign