total income
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
total income from employments & offices {add lines 10, 11& 12). . . «vo ov vo. . 13 deduct: expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 - employes exp. claim) 14 nationallnsurance . . . ... «cv itv iii i nl 15 allowable contributions (superannuation & esop). . .
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
total income from employments & offices {add lines 10, 11& 12). . . «vo ov vo. . 13 deduct: expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 - employes exp. claim) 14 nationallnsurance . . . ... «cv itv iii i nl 15 allowable contributions (superannuation & esop). . .
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
total income from employments & offices (add lines 10, 11&12). . . . ........ 13 deduct expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 -employee exp. claim)| 14 national insurance contributions. . . . . ..... ..... 15 allowable contributions ~ (superannuation and es
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2019
total income tax dec 2012 12,000.00 0.0 3,629.66 15,629.66 joel roache education tax dec 2012 9,783.36 0.0 2,959.19 12,742.55 grand total 8,425,365.51 3,556,161.59 13,810,098.21 | 25,791,625.31 dated this 10th day of january, 2019. nigel clarke
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order, 2021
total income from sources outside the island (section b, add lines 18 to 21) «+ + + 22 pei) | | other income not stated elsewhere ~~ + + + + + + + cc [@b | total income from all sources excluding gross dividends other than total income from invest
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order, 2021
total income from all sources excluding gross dividends other than preference dividends (unfranked income) less exemptions and franked income (section b, line 25 less section c, ling 3) ~~ «+ «+ vv ec v cen ee [4] section d - deductions and chargeable inc