total number of omissions
The Travel Tax (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
total number of omissions and exemptions. . . . . . «oo... 9 number of taxable travellers i ji «ik uss oh $0 weiss vie ae 10($ amount of travel tax conbciean. 2 ic. « ota 5 oo o ors 8.0 or siere remarks certification | certify that the information given a
The Travel Tax Act
total number of omissions and exemphons v......w...suusssmmsssssssnrsins 8 number of taxable travellers 9 amount of travel tax collected 108 remarks certification i certity that the information given above is true and correct. authorized signature date ca
The Travel Tax Act
total number of omissions and exemptions... 8 number of taxable traveies ...............ccceroreesereesassnrensseesessaseeioens 9 amount of travel tax colecet ...........coovvvververerreennriernerssessssecssens 10] 8% remarks certification | certify