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The ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 (Visa) Regulations, 2007
tt tt tt) 5 former name (if any) 8 1:1 m yyyy' 7. gend dato of bh {00 mm yy) | 0 om fk 0 single [j married [j other 9. place of birth 10.country of birth i | 8 marital status. 11. nationality current) : | 12. nationality (former) 113. occ
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Licences on Trades and Business) Order, 2015
tt tt tt theposiion? "tt tt ttt contact / telephone numbers sigriaturg__ tt pats? ~~ tt? er for official use only ri of : [ [[] tssuo tel, no site vist. [j site vist then 1ssue tel. [j tasue tbl then ste vist. remarks: name: signatura ete
The Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Marking of Bovine Animals) Regulations, 2015
tt tt tt] gol cit] lj ff lil ctt tt] oof ci] date of notification*: sig * cbi) for official use only received at: "date: sig breed bl famaicaliack br jumarcabrabman bs brownswise cb crowbresd hee holsembiesrus je jersey bi amawca hope r