two million dollars
The Approved Organizations and Authorities Loans (Government Guarantee) (Remission of Tax, Duty or Fee) (The National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited) Order, 2002
two million dollars ($3,552.000.000.00 has been raised by the national road operating and constructing company limited (nrocc) by the issue in a private placement of infrastructure bonds (the issue) for the purpose of on-lending to transjamaican highway l
The Approved Organizations and Authorities Loans (Government Guarantee) (Remission of Tax, Duty or Fee) (The National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited) Order, 2002
two million dollars ($3,552,000,000.00) made pursuant to the trust deed entered inlo between nrocc and the scotiabank jamaica trust & merchant bank limited (the trustee), the issue and any document or instrument issucd in respect thereof, shall be remitte
The Corruption (Prevention) Regulations, 2002
two million dollars per annum. sern
The Units Trust ( Nominees) Regulation, 2009
two million dollars; or b) 0.5%, or fifty basis points, multiplied by the aggregate value of the scheme?s assets reflected in the scheme?s audited financial statements as at the most recent financial year end; whichever is the greater, (iii) the commis
The Units Trust ( Registration Schemes ( Amendment) ) Regulation, 2009
two million dollars; or (b) 0.5%, or fifty basis points, multiplied by the aggregate value of the scheme?s assets reflected in the scheme?s audited financial statements as at the most recent financial year end; whichever is the greater; (ii) the commis
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
two million dollars. 4.?(1) except for the purpose of disposal in accordance with the provisions of the natural resources (hazardous waste) (control of transboundary movement) regulations, 2002, no person shall export a controlled substance. (2) a perso
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
two million dollars. (3) a university, college or other institution conducting research or experiments requiring the use of methyl chloroform for a research or experimental purpose may apply to the minister for a licence to import methyl chloroform from
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
two million dollars. licence. (3) a university, college or other institution conducting research or experiments requiring the use of carbon tetrachloride for a research or experimental purpose may apply to the minister for a licence to import carbon tetr
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
two million dollars. (3) sub-paragraph (2) shall not apply to hcfc that arrives in jamaica after january 1. 2040, imported pursuant to a licence issued before that date. (4) where hcfc is imported by a licensee and it arrives in jamaica after december 3
The Transfer Tax (Transfer of Lands from the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited to the JNSH Company Limited) (Remission of Tax) Notice, 2018
two million dollars ($32,000,000.00) for the transfer of part of those parcels of land comprised in the certificates of title registered at volume 568 folio 22 and volume 1376 folio 339 of the register book of titles known as roaring river and lucywood in
The Transfer Tax (Transfer of Lands from the Urban Development Corporation to the National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited) (Remission of Tax) Notice, 2018
two million dollars ($32,000,000.00) for the transfer of part of those parcels of land comprised in the certificates of title registered at volume 568 folio 22 and volume 1376 folio 339 of the register book of titles known as roaring river and lucywood in
The Trade (Plastic Packaging Materials Prohibition) Order, 2018
two million dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. dated this 24th day of december, 2018. audley shaw, cd, mp minister of industry, commerce, agriculture and fisheries. a