united nations convention
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (International SEABED Authority) Order,2003.
united nations convention on the law of the sea of the 10th day of december, 1982 provided for the establishment of the international seabed authority: and whereas article 2 of the international seabed authority headquarters agreement done at kingston on
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (International SEABED Authority) Order,2003.
united nations convention on the law of the sea establishes the international seabed authority. recalling that article [76 of the united nations convention on the law of the sea provides that the authority shall have international legal personality and s
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (International SEABED Authority) Order,2003.
united nations convention on the law of the sea of 10th december, 1982; "agreement" means the agreement relating to the implementation of part x1 of the united nations convention on the law of the sea of 10th december, 1982. in accordance with the agreem
The Mutual Assistance (Criminal Matters) (Foreign States) (Kingdom of Belgium) Order, 2018 Resolution
united nations convention against corruption, 2005, and the united nations convention against transnational organized crime, 2000: and whereas on the 8th day of june, 2018, the minister made the mutual assistance {criminal matters) (foreign states) (king
The Exclusive Economic Zone Act - Environment
united nations convention on the law of the sea signed in montego bay cn the 15th day of december, 1982; ?fish? means any aquatic animal whether piscine or not and includes shellfish, turtle, mollusc, crustacean, coral, sponge, enchinoderms, their young
The Extradition Act - International Relations
united nations convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally ~~ protected persons, including diplomatic agents, adopted by the general assembly of the united nations at its 28th session on the 14th december, 1973; ?court o
The Maritime Areas Act - International Relations
united nations convention on the law of the sea signed in montego bay on the 1st day of december, 1982; ?nautical mile? means the international nautical mile of 1,852 metres; ?territorial sea? means the territorial sea of jamaica as defined in section 1
The Maritime Drug Trafficking (Suppression) Act - Criminal Procedures
united nations convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; ?illicit traffic? has the same meaning as in the convention; ?jamaica? has the same meaning as in the jamaica independence act; ?jamaican airspace? means t