The Airports (Economic Regulation) (Charges and Fees) Notice,2003.
us$10,000.00 in respect of each scheduled airport. ? the fees to be paid are specified in the lawful currency of the united states of america and may be paid in that currency or in the equivalent amount of the lawful currency of jamaica. dated this 12th
The Airports (Economic Regulation) (Charges and Fees) Notice,2003.
us$10,000.00 in respect of each scheduled airport. ? the fees to be paid are specified in the lawful currency of the united states of america and may be paid in that currency or in the equivalent amount of the lawful currency of jamaica. dated this 12th
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
us$10,000) each. any shares not initially subscribed by the founding members in accordance with section 3(a) of this article shall be available for subsequent subscription in accordance with section 3(d) hereof. the board of governors may increase the au
The Customs (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) (No.2) Order. 2003.
us$10,000 or equivalent: yes [j no [j 17. resident?al] residents 18 years and over are entitled to us $500 duty free allowance per trip on personal and household effects, not in commercial quantity. (please declare all items acquired abroad on the revers
The Immigration (Commonwealth Citizens) (Amendment) Regulations, 2007
us$10,000) ur squivalant 5. resident (holder of 8 jamaican passport of anyone ordinarily resident wn ja.) | (we) have goods exceeding the value of my our) personal cuty-free allowance 6. visitor { (we) have gifts or afliclus for resaie go o0ooo gob o00o
The Aliens (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations, 2007
us$10,000) ur equivalent 5. resident (holaer of a jamaican passpon or anyone ordinanly residunt in ja.) | (we) have goods exceeding lhe value of my our) personal duly-fres allowance 6. visitor i {we) have gifts ar articles tor resale 00 0000 u0 0000 du
The Proceeds of crime ( Report Under Section 101 as to Transportation of Cash) ,2010
us$10,000 or it's equivalent in any other currency by all persons [w acting for anyone else, also complete pat iv by persons be completed by persons shipping, mailing or receiving cash o bni to/erom asroad _ ° ci hf about person(s} or business on w
The Aliens ( Forms ) ( Amendment) Regulations, 2016
us$10,000 or equivalent [| [| 15 | have goods exceeding the value of my (our) personal duty-free allowance a mm 18 | have gifts or articles for resale 1] 3 read tha instructions on the back of this form, space is provided to list all the items you must
The Inter-American Development Bank - Finance and Banking
us$10,000 per share, divided into 276 paid-in shares and 1,576 callable shares, on the following basis: ' gy ?payment of the amount subscribed to the paid-in capital stock ?of the bank shall be made in three instalments, the first of ~ which shall be 20
35 of 2013 - Fiscal Incentives (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
us$10,000 51
The Airports (Economic Regulation) Act
us$10,000.00 in respect of each scheduled airport. the fees to be paid are specified in the lawful currency of the united states of america and may be paid in that currency or in the equivalent amount of the lawful currency of jamaica. {the inclusion