10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
validation, indemnification [no. and amendment) act, 2021 contribution rates weekly rate of contribution description of insured person who is not liable to pay a contribution as an employed person. any voluntary contributor over the age of 18 yea
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
validation, indemnification [no. |] and amendment) act, 2021 rate or amount of benefit 1 2 3 weekly rate of pension amount of grant description of additional additional benefit basic pension basic pension which the insured person would attain age 65
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
validation, indemnification [no. ] and amendment) act, 2021 rate or amount of benefit 1 2 3 weekly rate of pension amount of grant description of additional additional benefit basic pension basic pension the deceased by way of contribu- tions. 4. empl
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
validation, indemnification [no. |] description of benefit isa mul- tiple of 10; (@) if itis not a mul- tiple of 5 as being the near- est per- cent- age which isa mul- tiple of 10). 6. employ- ment injury death benefit? 7. funeral grant and amendmen
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
validation, indemnification [no. |] 15 and amendment) act, 2021 passed in the house of representatives this 5th day of may, 2021 with five (5) amendments. marisa dalrymple philibert speaker. passed in the honourable senate this 14th day of may, 2021. t
No.44.-The Irrigation (Validation and Indemnity) Act,2002.
validation of national irrigation commission as irrigation authority. [no. 44] the irrigation (validation and indemnity) act, 2002 and whereas no licence was issued to the national irriga- tion commission to act as the irrigation authority, as required