valuation commis
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
valuation commissioner. , assistants to valuation commissioner. . persons in possession of real property to render to collector of taxes in-givings. . procedure where no in-givings rendered of property on valua- tion roll. procedure where collector of
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
valuation commissioner who shall hold office during the pleasure of the governor-general, and payment may be made out of the treasury of such necessary expenses of travelling or clerical assistance as may be incurred by the valuation commissioner in the p
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
valuation commissioner, a true and correct in-giving of the description and value of each such property, and shall sign the same. when the collector of taxes has satisfied himself that such in-giving is a true and correct in-giving, he shall enter in the
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
valuation commissioner, give notice to the person making the in-giving that his in-giving is not accepted; and shall in the same notice state the counter-assessment that he makes of the value of the property. such notice shall be served, either by deliver
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
valuation commissioner, nor such person appointed as aforesaid, shall enter into any dwelling-house, in actual occupation, unless with the consent of the occupier thereof, without twenty-four hours? previous notice in writing to such occupier. (2) every
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
valuation commissioner so to do. 25. the valuation roll in force on the 1st day of april, 1947, shall, subject to the provisions of section 26 of this act and to any amendments made under this act, continue in force until such time as the minister may by