The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
viii amendments section 1. amendments (a) this agreement may be amended only by decision of the board of governors by a majority representing at least four-fifths of the votes of the members, which shall include two- thirds of the govemors. (b) notwith
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
viii will be in session each week throughout the term kingston january 7 march 18 st. catherine january 7 march 18 clarendon january 7 march 18 january 28 st. james january 7 march 7 march 18 (r) manchester
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
viii will be in session each kingston september 16 december 20 st. catherine september 16 december 20 clarendon september 16 december 20 october 7 st. james september 16 dec. 5?dec. 20 (r) manchester oct
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2007
viii will be in session each week throughout the term, kingston january 8 march 30 st. catherine january 8 march 30 clarendon january 8 march 30 january 26 - st. james january 8 march 12?march 30 (r) manch
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2007
viii will be in session each week throughout the term. kingston april 11 july 31 st. catherine april 11 july 31 clarendon april 11 july 31 may 4 st. james april 11 july 9?july 30 (r) manchester may 14 june
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2007
viii will be in session each week throughout the term kingston september 17 december 20 st. catherine september 17 december 20 clarendon september 17 december 20 october 12 st. james september 17 dec. 3
The Natural Resources ( Hazardous Wastes) ( Control of Transboundary Movement) ( Changes of Name and Movement ) Regulation , 2009
viii list a of basel convention annex viii list a wastes contained in this annex are characterized as hazardous under article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this convention, and their designation on this annex does not preclude the use of annex iii to demonstrat
The Legal Profession (Canons of Professional Ethics) (Amendment) Rules, 2014
viii of the principal rules is amended in paragraph (d) by inserting next after the figure ?i(b)? the figure ?, (g)?. dated this 2nd day of july, 2014. b. st. michael hylton chairman general legal council. printed by jamaica printing services (1992)
The Legal Profession (Annual Declaration of Activities) Regulations, 2014
viii(d) of the legal profession (canons of professional ethics) rules. {l/ b. st. michael hylton chairman, general legal council approved: va: aa mark golding minister of justice. dated this 1st day of july, 2014. printed by jamaica printing servi
The Judicature ( Circuit Courts) ( Time and Places For The Holding Therefor) Order, 2016
viii will be in session circuit courts home circuit court each week throughout the term. kingston september 16 *december 20 st. catherine clarendon saint jomes manchester westmoreland saint ann hanover trelawny ~ saint elizabeth saint mary" portland s
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2) Order, 2016
viii viii, 16. managementservices. +. . . «ov vv venue... 17. equipmentrental. . . . ...... oo lll. 18, emoluments. . . oc. v iii ie ee 19. insurance premium. . . . oii ih ie. 20. pension. + vv uve seer 21. rent/leasepayments. . . . «vv... cee ee 22. othe
The Legal Profession ( Canons of Professional Ethics) ( Amendment) Rules, 2016
viii (d) of the principal rules is hereby amended by deleting the number, symbols and letters 11(a), (b), (e), (), (g), (h), (j) and (k) where they appear therein and substituting therefor the following: 11 (a), (b), (d), (e), (), (2), (h), (1), (k), (m)
Detention (Craig Dawson) (State of Public Emergency for the Parish of Kingston and St. Andrew) Order, 2018
viii. shooting with intent of jonai brown committed november 2013 in torrington park, kingston park; (x) murder of erroldo beckford committed on august 2, 2012 at orange street, kingston; and (x) believed to be a gang leader and actively engaged in gang