volume 1085 folio 283
The Special Economic Zone (Jamaica Red Moon Limited) Expansion Order, 2018
volume 1085 folio 283; then continuing in a south-westerly direction for a distance of two hundred and seventy-four metres (274m) to the point of beginning at the same main road aforementioned: inclusive of all buildings, drainage, troughs, barns, easemen
The Special Economic Zone (Jamaica Red Moon Limited) Expansion Order, 2019
volume 1085 folio 283; then continuing in a south-westerly direction for a distance of two hundred and seventy-four metres (274m) to the point of beginning at the same main road aforementioned; inclusive of all buildings, drainage, troughs, barns, easemen
volume 1085 folio 283, proceed north-easterly for a distance of two hundred and eight metres (208m) to a utility pole along the same main road, directly opposite an old concrete building. then continue further north-easterly for a distance of eighty-one m