volume 1195 folio 416
The Urban Development Corporation ( Belmont , Roaring River and Malvern Park ) ( Designation) Order, 2011
volume 1195 folio 416 in the name of jamaica bauxite mining limited. then southerly along the western side of property registered at volume 1195 folio 416 to the main road from st. ann?s bay to ocho rios, and then continues westward along northern boundar
The Urban Development Corporation ( Belmont , Roaring River and Malvern Park ) ( Designation) Order, 2011
volume 1195 folio 416 and westerly by property registered at volume 1195 folio 416. save and except:? (a) lands contained in a. dp numbers 8463 and 9398 being part of steer {town and mammee bay b. dp number 11110 being part of malvern park ¢. pre-checked