10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
weekly rate of pension amount of grant description of additional additional benefit basic pension basic pension which the insured person would attain age 65 in the case of aman or age 60 ina case ofa woman, and the denominator is the number of years in i
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
weekly rate of pension amount of grant description of additional additional benefit basic pension basic pension (b) inthe $3,400.00 with one-half of the case of effect from increase the april1,2018 calculated under death (a). ofa spouse who was in recei
10 of 2021 - The National-Insurance (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
weekly rate of pension amount of grant description of additional additional benefit basic pension basic pension the deceased by way of contribu- tions. 4. employ- three-fourths of ment injury the insured benefit (for person?s gross temporary weekly wage i