The Mining Regulations, 1947 (Glencore Alumina Jamaica Limited) (Exemption) Regulations, 2001
whereas?aluminum company of canada limited was declared an associated producer pursuant to section 4 of the bauxite and alumina industries (special provisions) act on the basis that it was a bauxite producer with whom the government had an agreement in fo
The Life of Jamaica Limited ( Transfer of Insurance Business and Vesting of Property of First Life Insurance Company Limited) Order, 2005
whereas the financial services commission has given its approval for first life insurance company limited (?first life?) to enter into an agreement (?the insurance business acquisition agreement?) pursuant to which first life would transfer all its insura
The Mutual Assistance (Criminal Matters) (Foreign States) (Kingdom of Belgium) Order, 2018 Resolution
whereas, by virtue of section 31(2) of the mutual assistance (criminal matters) act (hereinafter referred to as ?the act?), the minister may, where any relevant treaty has been made with any foreign state, by order, declare that the provisions of the act
The Mutual Assistance (Criminal Matters) (Foreign States) (Kingdom of Belgium) Order, 2018 Resolution
whereas, by virtue of section 31(2) of the mutual assistance (criminal matters) act (hereinafter referred to as ?the act?), the minister may, where any relevant treaty has been made with any foreign state, by order, declare that the provisions of the act
The Inter-American Development Bank - Finance and Banking
whereas jamaica is a member of the organization of american states and membership in the inter-american development bank (hereinafter referred to as the ?bank?) is heteby open to said country in accordance with article ti, section 1 (b) of the agreement e
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
wherea licensee passes aresolution for voluntary winding up, the licensee shall forthwith, notify the supervisor in writing, and shall, within fourteen days after the passing of the resolution, furnish to the supervisor the following in relation to the li
1 of 2021 - The Microcredit Act
wherea licensee passes aresolution for voluntary winding up, it shall, within fourteen days after the passing of the resolution, give notice of the resolution? (a) by causinga copy of the resolution to be published in the gazette and in a daily newspaper
8_2012- The Judicature (Supreme Court) (Validation and Amendment) Act
whereas section 4(2)(j) of the judicature (rules of court) act provides that the rules of court may make provisions for specifying the circumstances in which the supreme court may make an order for an interim payment: and whereas the rules committee of t
29_2010- The Town and Country Planning (Negril and Green Island Area Local Planning Authority)
whereas under section 5(1) of the town and country planning act (hereinafter referred to as the act) the town and country planning authority may. after consultation with any local authority concerned. prepare such provisional development orders as the aut
The Merchandise Marks Act
whereas the above named a. b. has by a notice dated the day of informed the collector of customs at that. the undermentioned goods, that is to say imported into th ¢ were about to be { ame rted from | e port oo contrary to section 14 of the merchandise