The Housing Scheme part of New Galloway, known as Galloway, Westmoreland, (Housing Area), Order, 2007
whithorn; westerly on the remainder of the same lands contained in the aforementioned certificate of title registered at volume 1199 folio 41; northerly on the parochial road leading from petersfield to the aforementioned main road, which leads from ferri
The Housing Scheme part of New Galloway, known as Galloway, Westmoreland, (Housing Area), Order, 2007
whithorn and being all of the lands comprised and described in the plans bearing survey and mapping plan examination numbers 294756 (block 2) and which contain the lots numbered 100 to 124 inclusively, 294757 (block 3) and which contain the lots numbered
The Housing Scheme part of Woodlands known as Spanish Villas, St. Catherine, (Housing Area), Order, 2007
whithorn and being all of the lands comprised and described in the plans bearing survey and mapping plan examination numbers 294756 (block 2) and which contain the lots numbered 100 to 124 inclusively, 294757 (block 3) and which contain the lots numbered
The Housing Scheme Part of Darliston, Westmoreland Housing Area, Order, 2015
whithorn to newmarket, being the north-western point of the property and proceeding in a south-easterly direction along the said main road for approximately 200 metres, then in the south- westerly direction for another 383.6 metres, butting and bounding o