year month day year month day
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2) Order, 2016
year month day year month day l l 1 | 1 | l | to] 1 1 | | l 4. address of tax withholding agent 5. mailing address (ifdifferent from 4) 6. telephone: 7. fax number: 8. e-mail address: 9. tick appropriate box: revised retumn [j nnewaddres
The Contractors Levy ( Levy, Payment and Returns) Regulation, 2016
year month day year month day vo ba eee 4. address of person withholding: 5. mailing address (if different from 4) 6. telephone: 7.fax number: 8. e-mail address: 9. tick appropriate box: revised return [inewaddress [1 (gy, reason) 10. reason
The General Consumption Tax Act
year month day year month day eet b perilli ser» lope daly 7. grossincome/sales (le. ackal sass before expontex) 8. commencement date of taxable activities monthly annual yesr month day gct » gct » ser » year month day sere ley [als 9. if sales tumovar is