zoe jane alford
The Declaration of a Commonwealth Citizen Zoe Jane Alford, as an Undersiirable Person Undersection 26 of the Immigration Restriction ( Commonwealth Citizen) Act
zoe jane alford, as an undesirable person under section 26 of the immigration restriction (commonwealth citizen) act whereas zoe jane alford being a citizen of the united kingdom, and being a person who i am satisfied is a person that has conducted herse
The Declaration of a Commonwealth Citizen Zoe Jane Alford, as an Undersiirable Person Undersection 26 of the Immigration Restriction ( Commonwealth Citizen) Act
zoe jane alford an undesirable person, and now therefore it is ordered that: 1. the remainder of the sentence of said zoe jane alford be calculated as time already served. 2. that the said zoe jane alford be released into the custody of officials of the